
St Mark's C of E Primary School

Loving, growing and succeeding together


In St Mark’s C of E Primary School, worship is the heartbeat of the school and is the main platform for exploring the school’s vision:


"Our Christian vision is Loving, Growing and Succeeding Together.  We put our hope in God, where every day counts and seeds are sewn in fertile soil.  We lay up a foundation for the future so we can enjoy life which is life indeed.  This we do together, with love."


The act of coming together as a phase and as a whole school provides children and adults with an opportunity to identify how we are a community, family and team.  It provides a distinct opportunity to extend our understanding of faith and reflect on how this knowledge, coupled with our Christian Values, allow us to Love, Grow and Succeed Together.  It is well planned and of high quality so that the whole school community is engaged on a journey of discovery, exploring the teachings of Jesus and the Bible; this is facilitated through the use of the 'Big Frieze'. 


The structure for this year is linked directly to our Christian Vision and is set out below:


MondayWhole SchoolLoving
TuesdayKS2 Phase & KS1 ClassGrowing
WednesdayWhole SchoolTogether
ThursdayKS1 Phase & KS2 ClassGrowing
FridayWhole SchoolSucceeding


Worship: The Heartbeat of the School

Family Worship at St Mark's Church

Remembrance 2022

Displays that Support Worship
